The Spiritual “CURE” for Covid-19

“If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”…2 Chronicles 7:14

It is August 18, 2020 and Covid-19 is still an “unwelcome guest” in our nation. Many businesses have closed their doors, schools are in-session via virtual learning, masks are now considered an essential piece of clothing, and unfortunately, the fear of catching “Covid-19” is greater than the fear of The Lord. You ask yourself, how did America find itself in this predicament, the answer and the only answer lies in The Bible.

Yet, it is NOT The Bible that people are looking to for the answer to this “pandemic”. We are still a stiff-neck people, lovers of ourselves and of our puffed up knowledge, prideful in refusing to believe that this pestilence can only be cured by GOD! There, I said it, “God is the cure for Covid-19”. Yet, we say, “Let’s look to science, the doctors, the WHO, the CDC, and most famously, “the mask”. Yes, we have devolved into believing that a “mask” can keep us safe from Covid-19, the most deadliest virus of 2020. What is ironic is that THE deadliest virus of 2020 only requires three simple weapons of defense… a mask, frequent hand washing, and 6- feet social distancing. Don’t they sound so powerful and effective? <insert sarcasm> PLEASE do not answer this rhetorical question. I am afraid that too many people would probably say with confidence, a resounding YES! So now that I have stridently revealed my displeasure of Covid-19 for the interruption of my life, let’s look to the Word of God for its cure.

First, let’s establish the purpose of the Word of God. In 2 Timothy 3:16, it reads, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness”. God clearly left instructions for His people to follow in order to remain steadfast in faith, righteousness, and safe underneath His wings. It is our disobedience and sins that drive us away from Him which results in our defeat, bondage, and judgement. But God thru His agape love for us always provide a way of redemption. We just simply have to follow His directions thru His Word in the Bible.

Since God is bound by His Word, we can rest assure that He will perform it as long as His people are being obedient. 2 Chronicles 7:14 states that, “If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. Here is the cure to Covid-19, God as Jehovah Rapha, will heal our land upon certain conditions that we must first do:

  1. Humble ourselves
  2. Pray
  3. Seek His Face
  4. Turn from our wicked ways

And then God will be bound by His Word to do the following:

  1. Hear from Heaven
  2. Forgive their sin
  3. HEAL their land.

Wow, the cure has been here for thousand of years way before Covid-19 reared its ugly head. It has nothing to do with the work of scientists and doctors, the WHO, or the CDC. It is a covenant promise made only by the One True Living God! This pestilence can not and will not be cured by man’s human ways or means. Only the hand of The Lord will bring about the healing of our land and the eradication of this pestilence…PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

As always, I pray that this message bless you, provide encouragement and faith in God’s Word. If you would like to partake in the promises of God and become saved, please say this scripture out loud and believe in your heart and you will be save.

Romans 10:9, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved”.

If you confessed this scripture and believed in your heart, then you are SAVED! And the angels of heaven are rejoicing! As a follow-up to your new salvation, please be sure to get into a Bible believing church and start reading your Bible starting with the Book of Matthew…I am excited for your new adventure with God!

Always sharing God’s Word in Love,

Tamela D. Bowie

NOW is “The Season”

“To everything thereis a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”…Ecclesiastes 3:1

As I am writing this article, COVID-19 has the entire universe on lock down.  There has not been one town, city, state, nation or continent that has not felt the wrath of this pneumonia-like virus called “COVID-19”.  This new or “supposedly” new virus has struck so much fear in the human race, that almost EVERY business, home, school, and even our churches have been in what’s called, “sheltered-in-place” or if you have or were exposed to the virus, “quarantined” status.

Now as Christians, this pandemic episode should not come as of no surprise to us. We were told about such events happening in the Book of Matthew 24:7“ …and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places”.  We are all too familiar that these types of events must come to pass in order for the return of Jesus Christ to draw near.

And please do not think for one moment that this has caught God off-guard.  He is omnipotent  (has unlimited power), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipresent (everywhere at the same time).  So you are probably saying or thinking, “then why would God allow this to happen?”  I do not know why nor would I dare to inquire of God such a question, but instead see it as “the season” for an opportunity.

In 2 Peter 3:9 it states that, “God is not slack concerning His Word, as men would call slackness, but He is long-suffering towards us all, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance”.  I chose to use this scripture to illustrate that it is now “the season” for an opportunity for all humans to be able to come to God and accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Lord and Savior.   The times are clearly conspicuous that our Lord and Savior’s appearance is drawing near to us.  Many of us before now have not made the decision to come to know and accept Jesus Christ for our salvation and with this COVID-19 pandemic, NOW is the time, the opportunity, and “the season”.

We have been stripped down to our basics, some of our freedoms have been slightly forfeited for the protection of all, and we have or will be at the mercy of our secular government for sustenance and financial stability.  God oftentimes allows distress in a season of our lives to place our attention back on Him and to recognize Who He is in our lives and how much His existence matters to us as His Children. 

We are there folks, we are in “the season” for an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We have no choice but to destroy the idols of materialism, division, racism, hatred, sexism, basically all of the ‘isms” that were running rampant  in our lives. The distractions that have been excuses are no longer valid.  We now have more family time at home because of the shelter-in-place mandates.  There are no longer 10-12 hour workshifts because our jobs have been closed down.  No more extracurricular or after-school activities because our schools have been closed down.  And ironically, no more in-person church attendance which will now force us to get into God’s Word for ourselves and draw nearer to him.  Now is “the season”…

If you were moved by this article and want to take advantage of this “the season” of opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then please turn to Romans 10:9 and repeat this scripture aloud and believe in your heart…

“…that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you shall be saved”…Romans 10:9

If you read that scripture aloud and believed in your heart, then you are saved and the angels in Heaven are rejoicing and your name will be written in the Lambs Book of Life.  The second thing you must do is to find a Bible believing, Holy Spirit filled church and get into God’s Word for yourself by reading your Bible daily.

In closing, I am so excited for those who decided today to give their life to God by way of accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  You are now a new creature in Christ and should live according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  God bless you and please go with Christ today and forever more.

In Christ’s Love Always,

Tamela D. Bowie