Quiet Time With God

It is very important that we spend quality alone time with God.  It is during these times that we are able to hear from God and have a personal conversation with Him.  I have found that many people have an exact science down when it comes to spending time alone with God.  They pray at the same time, same location, with correct posture, and with a certain Bible during this special time with God.  Now please, don’t get me wrong, that is all good if it works for them, but you can rest assure that God doesn’t want to burden you with a certain set of rules about spending quality alone time with Him…He just wants to spend time with you.

Here are four things that I have found that can help you to spend quality quiet time with God:

1.  Quiet your mind.

The first thing you should do is clear your mind. Ask the Holy Spirit to clear and cleanse your mind from all things happening in your life.  Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare a quiet atmosphere so that you can be prepared to hear and talk with God


2.  Focus your mind on God.

I can always tell when God is wanting to spend some alone time with me.  He gives me a song in my heart that I find myself singing or humming all day.  This is my special way of worshipping Him and to get my mind focused on Him before I go into my quiet time with Him.  Ask The Holy Spirit to help you get your mind focused on God.


3.  Pray what’s on your mind.

Talk to God as if you were having a regular conversation with anyone else.  Pray about the things that concerns you or whatever that is on your heart.  Philippians 4:6 says, “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests by made known to God”.


4.  Renew your mind.

It is important that we renew our minds everyday and especially after we have been in our quiet time alone with God.   Romans 12:2 says, “and do not be conformed to this world, but the renewing of our minds, so that we can prove what the good and acceptable, perfect will of God”.  When we are in our quiet time with God, He is giving us direction, guidance, correction, and wisdom.  That is why we should always renew our minds everyday, so that we can apply what God has spoken or revealed to us in our quiet prayer time with Him.


Now, I would be remised if I did not say to not follow these things to the exact “t”…just use them as a guideline.  I am sure with time, you and God will have developed your own special way of spending time with each other.

If you have a special way of getting ready to spend quality quiet time with God and would not mind sharing, then please leave your comment here or post it on my Facebook at…Face To Face TV3.

Thanks for stopping by and please go with Christ today!

In God’s Love,


4 thoughts on “Quiet Time With God

  1. I start my time with God early in morning, when most are asleep. First I begin to sing telling Him how much I love Him and how thankful I am for all the blessings He has bestowed on me and my family. Then I begin to feel His presence so strong that I begin to weap because I can’t keep dry eyes when He’s so close. That strong anointing gives over to me praying in my heavenly language, along with praying with understanding. After about an hour I just get quiet and very still as God begins to speak to me. I always keep a pad and pencil to write down what He says. Afterwards I go to my Bible and begin to study, very often I open my Bible on a passage of scripture saying what God has just shared, to me that’s bearing witness with what I just received. And that’s enough fuel to keep me shouting all day about how good God is.

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