God’s Spiritual Food

Have you ever skipped a meal?  Have you been so busy with your day that you forget to stop and grab a bite to eat?  Our physical bodies go through a negative experience when we skip out on meals.  But did you know that our spiritual bodies have the same type of negative experience when we do not daily nourish our spiritual bodies with God’s Word.  In this video, I share a message on the importance of feeding our spiritual bodies just as we are to feed our physical bodies.  Please be sure to SUBSCRIBE, THUMBS UP and SHARE this message.  To God be the Glory!

Branding for Jesus Christ

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them…Ephesians 2:10


The term “Branding” has long been a concept used in the corporate sector and business industries.  Branding is defined as creating a unique name and image for a product or service in the consumer’s mind with a consistent theme.  The ways to build a brand is by  1. The images you share   2.  The messages you post on your websites   3. Your content of marketing materials    4.  Your posts on social media networks.  Your brand speaks about who you are, what you offer, and your promises that will draw people to you and keep them coming back for more.  Now with that in mind, ask yourself this question…are you creating a brand for Jesus?


Don’t worry, I asked myself that same question as I was working on my branding for my interior design business.   Am I creating a brand for Jesus that will cause the lost to come and look for Him or cause them to stay away or question His existence.  The comments that I make on Facebook and Twitter…are they shared in love or in conflict.  The images that I share on Instagram and my website…do they stir up hope and excitement for Jesus, or do they stir up fear, hate, and despair.  I had to also reflect on my marketing brand for Jesus.  Am I consistent with sharing His Word and His promises…. or do I only share out of convenience or my level of comfort.  Is my personal image a brand for Jesus…do people see the Light of Christ in me, and am I a good representation of Christ in my everyday living and interaction with others.  You see, we as followers of Christ are the branding for Jesus.  We should daily focus on building a consistent brand for Jesus that will show His love for others, that all of His promises are true, and that will draw people unto Him and keep them coming back for more of Him.

Do you need a re-branding for Jesus in your life?  Then pray this prayer:


“Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to be more like You in every area and aspect of my life on a daily basis.  Please help me to watch the things that I do and say so as not to lead people away from You.  Please let the light of You shine brightly in me so that others will see and cause them to inquire about You.  Please allow me to be the branding for You and to share Your Word in love.  Amen!”


Sharing His Word in love,


Maintaining Your Spiritual Landscape

This past Saturday was the day to spray for weeds in my lawn.  I am in the process of trying to bring my front lawn back to its glory days of a green lush landscape and bountiful flowerbeds.  Due to my 3 years of neglect, however not purposeful neglect, but lack of time neglect, my lawn suffered tremendously.  Some areas were not getting adequate watering, some areas were attacked by hungry grubs and the Bermuda grass, well let’s say, it went on a serious vacation.  You would think that the disappearance act of my lawn would be my biggest nightmare, but it turned out to be the cracks in my driveway….

You see, as I was spraying for the weeds in my lawn, I also sprayed the weeds that were growing in the cracks of my driveway.  While pulling the weeds out of the cracks, I thought about how we allow cracks in our spiritual landscape to become weed-infested.  Any logical thinking person may wonder how do weeds grow in such a hard tight area, void of soil and water…the necessary ingredients for weed growth.  It is the same way with our human spirit.  When we build up a wall of bitterness, hatred and unforgiveness, our hearts become hardened that eventually will crack over time. The cracks will get bigger and bigger, allowing the weeds of life to grow into those cracks.  The hard surface of the cement driveway does not allow water to penetrate the surface just as God’s love is not able to penetrate a hardened heart.  It is not until you de-weed the crack, fill it up with God’s love and His Word that the crack will be mended, and then our spiritual landscape becomes strong and solid again.

In closing, do not allow the busyness of life cause you to neglect your spiritual landscape.  Just as you water and feed your lawn at your home, you have to water and feed your spirit with God’s Word.  For it states in the Bible, “that no man shall live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceed out of the mouth of God”….Matthew 4:4.

In Christ,


In God We Trust

“It is better to trust in The Lord than to put confidence in man”…Psalm 118:8

The ability to trust requires an emotional connection. Without an emotional connection, trust is hard to build and develop in any situation or relationship. Love is one of the emotional connections that can lead us to trust. I remember when I first fell in love with my husband; it was the love connection that we had that led me to trust in him to be my husband, the father of my children and the leader of our home.

Our trust in The Lord requires the same love connection. In order for us to trust God, we have to have that “emotional love connection” with Him. In the Matthew 22:37(KJ) it states, “…Thou shalt love The Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind”. God already had an emotional love connection with us by way of His Son, Jesus. This can be seen in John 3:16 (KJ), “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…..” Once the love connection has been made, trust can flourish in any situation. We can trust God in all His promises, to handle all our situations, good or bad, and for Him to be there for us whenever we need Him.

If you are having difficulty trusting God, then pray this prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, I want to learn to trust in You for everything regarding my life. I want to have a deep love connection with You so that I can build up my trust in You. In Jesus Name, I ask and pray. Amen.


Sneak Preview: Experiencing God’s Love in 2014

Hello Friends,

We are excited to share with you a webepisode teaser of Face to Face.  This is a sneak preview of what’s to expect from our ministry in 2014.  We hope that this webepisode encourages and uplifts you in God’s Word and His love.  Please be sure to check out the webepisode on our Facebook page…. FacetoFaceTv3.    Please comment and share in love.  Be Blessed!


Tamela, Lorna and Lisa