Meet Tamela


Meet Tamela

As a disciple of Christ, Tamela loves to share The Gospel of Christ with everyone that crosses her path.  Being a small business owner of an interior design boutique and her family’s insurance business, she is able to share her love for Christ with the many people she comes in contact with on a daily basis.  When she is not working in her businesses, she is actively participating in her community, serving on several boards with the City of Lewisville and volunteering with the PTA.  Tamela feels that her strongest spiritual gifts are healing, spiritual discernment and intercessory prayer.  Tamela is happily married with two lovely children.  Tamela can be reached at


4 thoughts on “Meet Tamela

  1. Hello Ma’am,

    I would like to say that your YouTube videos and your website are certainly a blessing to me. I would like to know if you would be interested in being Interviewed for my YouTube Channel. My Channel is Open Discussions for Women under my name Annie Okoye. I am going to be starting Godly Women Talk using YouTube Live chat or Google Hangout.

    If you are interested please do not hesitate to reach me at My website is
    My main purpose is to be a source of encouragement to the saved as well as the unsaved. I believe that many are hungry for Gods word and as we share our Godly beliefs my hope is that we can win souls for the Kingdom of God.

    If you have no interest at this time in supporting, please know that I feel you are doing an excellent job for The Lord. Please be encouraged and keep up The God work for the lost.

    Bless you
    Annie Okoye

    • Hello Annie!

      First, thank you so much for taking the time to view my YouTube videos and my website. Second, Yes!…I would love to be a part of your YouTube ministry. I will be contacting you via the email you provided in the comment section. Once again thank you and to God be the Glory!


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