Branding for Jesus Christ

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them…Ephesians 2:10


The term “Branding” has long been a concept used in the corporate sector and business industries.  Branding is defined as creating a unique name and image for a product or service in the consumer’s mind with a consistent theme.  The ways to build a brand is by  1. The images you share   2.  The messages you post on your websites   3. Your content of marketing materials    4.  Your posts on social media networks.  Your brand speaks about who you are, what you offer, and your promises that will draw people to you and keep them coming back for more.  Now with that in mind, ask yourself this question…are you creating a brand for Jesus?


Don’t worry, I asked myself that same question as I was working on my branding for my interior design business.   Am I creating a brand for Jesus that will cause the lost to come and look for Him or cause them to stay away or question His existence.  The comments that I make on Facebook and Twitter…are they shared in love or in conflict.  The images that I share on Instagram and my website…do they stir up hope and excitement for Jesus, or do they stir up fear, hate, and despair.  I had to also reflect on my marketing brand for Jesus.  Am I consistent with sharing His Word and His promises…. or do I only share out of convenience or my level of comfort.  Is my personal image a brand for Jesus…do people see the Light of Christ in me, and am I a good representation of Christ in my everyday living and interaction with others.  You see, we as followers of Christ are the branding for Jesus.  We should daily focus on building a consistent brand for Jesus that will show His love for others, that all of His promises are true, and that will draw people unto Him and keep them coming back for more of Him.

Do you need a re-branding for Jesus in your life?  Then pray this prayer:


“Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to be more like You in every area and aspect of my life on a daily basis.  Please help me to watch the things that I do and say so as not to lead people away from You.  Please let the light of You shine brightly in me so that others will see and cause them to inquire about You.  Please allow me to be the branding for You and to share Your Word in love.  Amen!”


Sharing His Word in love,


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