Taking On A Greater Cause Than Yourself

Photo Courtesy from Funkyjunkinteriors.net


Taking on a Cause Greater Than Yourself!
When we step outside of our selfish boxes we can better get a grasp on the realities of life. We are able to see clearly the needs of those around us and how we can affect a change in the lives of others. There is always going to be a cause that needs someone to champion or take the reigns. No one is an island of and to his own and we all need someone to anchor us.

Jesus did exactly that for us when He died on the cross for everyone and our sins. He knew that there was a greater cause at stake…saving us from our sins, redeeming us back into a righteous relationship with God, removing the sting of death, and giving us the opportunity to spend eternity with God. Jesus was and is the Champion of the greatest cause because it gave us freedom!…Jesus Christ is the perfect example of what happens when we take on a cause that is greater than yourself…Hallelujah!

Not only did He champion a great cause but He also commanded that we champion a great cause by going out and sharing the Good News about Him…Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit..20: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.

So you see when we champion or take on a cause greater than ourselves, a few things will happen:

1.  We will be able to serve others and meet their needs. Helping others bring joy into our lives because we are stepping outside of our own selfish needs which takes away the focus off of us and onto making someone else happy. Jesus, whose Feet was worthy of being washed by all, washed the feet of His disciples to show humility and servant leadership.

2.   We will be able to effect or make a change. Change only comes by way of action. Praying, planning and prepping (the three P’s) are the ways challenges are met and changes are made. There has never been an instance when a successful event or venue did not include proper preparation. Even Jesus Christ knew that He had to go through each planning process that would eventually lead Him to the cross in order to make a change.
3.  We will be able to see the fruits of our labor. If you have great belief in a cause you will work tirelessly to see it come into fruition. We have all heard and seen people working sun up to sun down campaigning for their candidate. We witnessed blacks and whites marching, getting arrested, and even killed for wanting the equal rights for blacks in the 1960’s. And as always, Jesus is the perfect example because He spent the last three years of His earthly presence teaching and ministering so that He could see the fruits of His labor of Love for us on the cross.
So now we see the importance of taking on a cause greater than yourself. It has more to do with others than it has to do with you. Let’s be thankful that we were commissioned by Jesus to continue the greater cause of leading others to Him and to salvation…There is no greater cause than that!


Sharing in God’s Love


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