Filling in the Gaps

This winter we have been dealing with issues of unwelcomed visitors in our home’s attic.  At first, we were not quite sure if it were squirrels, rodents or just an overgrown possum because of the extremely loud noises and heavy foot traffic.   Usually, whenever we have this issue we just place a couple of traps in that one concentrated area of the attic and the noises seem to disappear after a week.  But this time, it was different, the noises and heavy foot traffic seem to be all over the attic, so it was time to take  drastic measures…we had to find the point of entry and fill up the gap!

Don’t we sometimes find our lives being played out like this scenario?  Although this is a true scenario happening right now in my home’s attic, it was this scenario that actually helped me to see where I had gaps in my faith and my relationship with God that needed filling up.

You see I sometimes struggle with the fear of death, illness, sickness or disease.  And I am sure that I am not the only one who struggles with these fears, but my fears can sometimes be so overwhelming to the point of my becoming a hypochondriac.

We all know as believers of Christ that being fearful is a sin and it is the total opposite of being faithful which pleases God. And anything that is tied to or around fear is directly from the enemy.  In addition,  being a follower of Christ, I always strive to please God in every area and aspect of my life.  So just as we made the decision to stop temporarily fixing our unwelcomed visitors situation with traps, but instead to focus on finding and filling up the gap of their point of entry, I too decided to stop allowing the enemy to invade me with fear, but to find the point of entry and fill in the gaps with God’s Word.

Finding our unwelcomed visitors points of entry were pretty easy.  All we had to do was to follow their trail of destruction and it led us right to their point of entry.  However, it was not as easy to find the enemy’s point of entry in my life that was causing the fear.  That is because it is all spiritual, not a physical point of entry.   That is where I had to call upon The Lord so that He could use His spiritual eyes and wisdom to help guide me to the point of entry.  And as such, because He is always faithful to His Word, He showed me exact gaps that the enemy used to send in fear.

  1.  Lack of Trust
  2. Need stronger Faith
  3. Quit making the situation appear to be bigger than God

Wow!…I had 3 points of entry that the enemy was using to send in fear!  Now it was time to take drastic measures immediately!  First, I had to go in, (go into my prayer closet and pray), second, clean out the fear, (bind up the enemy’s tactics), and third, fill up the gaps with God’s Word (reading and speaking scriptures into and over my life).

Please don’t get me wrong, the enemy is still going to try to come back to those points of entry just as our new unwelcomed visitors will try, just to see if it is still open or weak.  But their ability to get back in will be determined on how strong or how weak your barrier is or the type of material you used to fill up the gaps.  That is why it is very important that you stay in prayer and in God’s Word so that your barrier will always stand strong and be fortified!


Proverbs 18:10 “ The name of The Lord is a strong tower”…


Thanks for stopping by!

