Leaving A Spiritual Legacy for Your Children


Leaving a Spiritual Legacy for Your Children

Ask yourself this question…”What type of legacy am I leaving for my children?”   I am not speaking of a financial legacy; I am speaking about a “spiritual legacy”.  Are you aware that as parents we are supposed to leave a spiritual legacy for our children?   In Deuteronomy 6:7, it states…”And thou shall teach them diligently unto thy children, and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up”.   Spiritual legacy is a passing down of a believing faith in our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  So when we are parenting in the spirit, we are able to leave a spiritual legacy of faith in God, obedience to God’s Word, a model of Christ-like behavior, and the opportunity to prepare our children to become servants in God’s Kingdom.

I like to parallel parenting in the spirit to that of an investment model.  We have our children as the gifts or products and God as our investor, and we are the trusted stewards.  Anything that God does or “invests” in, He is always looking for a return on His investments.  This can be seen in Luke 19: 12-27 and also in Matthew 25:14-30 where it talks about the Parable of the Talents.   In addition, it is also in scripture in Isaiah 55:11…”So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it”.

That is why it is important that we are good stewards over our children because God is looking for a return on His investments…and that is children who are raised in the admonition and fear of the Lord, children fulfilling their God-purpose and plan, and children becoming servants in His Kingdom.  And this can only be done by parenting in the spirit.

Here are some following examples of ways to parenting in the spirit:

  1.  Acknowledge and reinforce spiritual truths
  2. Incorporate spiritual principles into everyday living
  3.  Attend church as a family on a regular basis
  4. Let them see you reading The Bible and praying on a daily basis
  5. Pray and prophesy over your children daily

If you want to leave a spiritual legacy for your children, then please pray this prayer…

“Dear Heavenly Father, it says in your Word in Deuteronomy 6:7 that we are to teach our children about  You.  Lord, we want to leave a spiritual legacy of faith in God to our children.  Please help us to be good stewards over our children so that we can provide a good return on Your Investment. Lord, help us to parent in the spirit and not in the flesh.  In Jesus Name, we pray and ask…Amen”.



God’s Spiritual Food

Have you ever skipped a meal?  Have you been so busy with your day that you forget to stop and grab a bite to eat?  Our physical bodies go through a negative experience when we skip out on meals.  But did you know that our spiritual bodies have the same type of negative experience when we do not daily nourish our spiritual bodies with God’s Word.  In this video, I share a message on the importance of feeding our spiritual bodies just as we are to feed our physical bodies.  Please be sure to SUBSCRIBE, THUMBS UP and SHARE this message.  To God be the Glory!